Welcome to my sewing room!! Won't you come in and sew for a while? View from the door...this room will never be this clean again...
Last evening, my first free evening without any homework, I went into my sewing room to work on something...I wasn't quite sure what to start with, so I ended up organizing and cleaning up, since it had been such a long time since I had been in there. So here are a few pictures of my sewing room. Did you know that Treadmills make the perfect storage for quilt tops? I hear there is another purpose for them...
View from sewing machine...yes I really have that much fabric (only 1/3 is visible)...but I am on a diet...Wow, what a busy summer so far. Since my last post I've been to the Oregon coast twice, written two papers for school, visited Crater Lake and southern Oregon...all of this to say that I can't believe it has been so long since I posted. I've been working on putting binding on several quilts...that's my big quilting progress so far...but the GREAT news is NO SCHOOL till Sept 12, so I should have lots to post about quilts I'm working on.In case you are near Lebanon, Oregon on Tuesday, August 5th, I'll be presenting at the local guild meeting. It will be a presentation on the Tokyo International Quilt Show.