This is a quilt I brought home for safe keeping, while my family member is away from her home. At some point, I hope to do some research on this quilt, as it appears to be quite old. The tan fabrics appear to be faded out. Overall it is in fairly good shape with just a few stains and crease marks. There are twelve blocks with the same design and a border on all four sides. Unfortunately, I have never seen this quilt before, so I don't know any of the history of it. Is this what will happen to your quilts some day??

Not a stitch of quilting happening around here...too much going on with caring for my dad, as the pins in hip are moving and he is in quite a bit of pain. At this point, we have a full time care giver in the house so I can go to work each day. The best part of all is that they keeping asking for housework to do and they have dinner ready each evening when I come home...I could get really use to this!!!