Friday, September 17, 2010

Little Progress

I have made very little progress since I last posted, as I was in the hospital again. What I thought was going to be a quick trip to the doctors office turned into a week in the hospital that included two trips to the cath lab and a new stent !  I can truly say I am glad to be home!!

My wise sister suggested after my last posting that I put the borders on the quilt on the design wall before changing the blocks.  I normally would do that...but just not  thinking normally! 

Above is the quilt with a gold inner border fabric that was used in my last project.

Below is the original inner border which is a deeper gold/rust with small ginko leaves. 

Which inner border do you prefer?  The gold or rust ginkos?

Sorry to say, I won't be traveling to the Kona Bay open house in Washington next weekend.  I just not quite up to traveling yet.  Would love to hear from those of you that do go!