First, a few quick China trip what is a quilter to do when she is not finding fabric to purchase? Buy Pashmina's in every color you can find!! These wonderful scarves were just a dollar or two, depending on bargaining and number purchased! I came home with 40, some for me and many as gifts for friends and co-workers!
You can't be in Beijing without going to the Great Wall. What an incredible experience! So beautiful and so hard to fathom this was built so long ago! We walked between three towers with steps from 1 inch high to over 24 inches. I would love to spend more time there!Yes, I will be going to the Long Beach show on Saturday, so if any bloggers are going to be there would love to connect with you! Post a comment and I'll check back...There is so much more to write, but I am behind in packing, writing a paper for school and other homework due on Friday...this is just a momentary escape, as I am tired and distracted after a full day at work, visiting dad at assisted living and over 6 hours of travel to one of our work sites.