UPDATE: Oct 20th. Here is the photo!! YEAH!! Written on the five silver charms are:
Free Your Heart from Hatred
Free Your Mind from Worries
Live Simply
Give More
Expect Less
Joy...a new quilt piece that was created in the last month as part of an assignment in my MBA program. I was so excited to share it with you all! However, Blogger is having issues posting photos and so far I am not finding any way to share the photo with you...that is pure frustration! As soon as it is fixed, I will add a new posting.
It is approx 8 x 12 inches with deep purples, fuchsia and yellows. Our assignment was to do a creative project. I was one of the few people in class that was excited and couldn't wait to get started!
I actually gave myself a few rules:
-I need to start a new project from scratch...no patterns or finishing other projects.
-I had to use fabric that I had...no shopping.
-I needed to try a new technique.
-I could not rip out or redo sections...whatever happened had to stay in the project.
Life continues to be crazy...work, school, family and trips to LA to work on the estate. I continue to try to find moments of joy in each day...yesterday it was a great 45 minute walk out in the country side enjoying the wonderful fall colors of Oregon. Heading out the door now for another walk! Soon I will post more pictures....as soon as blogger fixes the errors!