This week has been a bit crazy...trying to finish decorating as I was behind from our trip to Texas, preparing for a work party (25 people that was held at my house last night) and going to orientation for school.
Yes, I really said school! I am starting an executive MBA program in January. I've been mentally preparing to have less time to sew, scrapbook and bake... However, I wasn't prepared to be handed our first set of books along with the assignments (think major hours of reading) last Thursday night.
My plan had been to fill the two long holiday weekends with lots of sewing, finishing up some UFOs and of course starting at least one new project. I'm sure I will find some time, but now will need to do some serious reading before our first class on January 11th.
Now that the party is over, it's time to SHOP! I need to leave soon, as the mall is one hour away and I want to be there when the doors open to avoid some of the crowds! I'm not one that enjoys shopping for hours, but rather the one with a list trying to get it done as quickly as possible. My normal plan is to be finished before Thanksgiving as I try to stay out of the malls from Thanksgiving to Valentines day!
Hoping your week is filled with lots of joy and little holiday stress, as we focus on friends, family and the true reason for this season...the birth of Jesus!